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Can Coffee Affect Insulin Concentrations?

coffee and diabetes

Millions of people world-wide treat coffee as a life-saving liquid. Unfortunately for individuals with diabetes, the subject on the effects of coffee on diabetes can be quite confusing. Articles about how coffee can benefit diabetes are shut down by articles saying coffee is a no-no when it comes to controlling blood sugar levels. This doesn’t mean that these articles are contradictory though.

To put it more simply, coffee is a substance that contains different chemicals. Some of these chemicals are beneficial, while some may not have a lot of beneficial effect for diabetic individuals. In this article we will talk about coffee and how it affects individuals with diabetes.

Blood Sugar Levels and Caffeine Intake

Generally, a high caffeine intake over a period of 4 to 6 weeks can impair insulin sensitivity. This is especially true in individuals with Type 2 Diabetes. Because of these researchers found a correlation between high caffeine intake and low sensitivity to insulin.

The Benefits of Coffee

Though regular caffeine take may lead to low insulin sensitivity in individuals with Type 2 Diabetes, other chemicals such as polyphenols and magnesium and chromium can actually help prevent Type 2 Diabetes.

Polyphenols are phytochemicals that can be found in plant sources such as coffee. They are known for their antioxidant properties and anti-carcinogenic functions. Antioxidants protects the cells of your body by getting rid of free radicals. Polyphenols are very helpful in reducing the side effects of diabetes such as retinopathy and neuropathy.

Aside from polyphenols, coffee also contains magnesium. Magnesium is dubbed as the forgotten healer of diabetes. This is because magnesium is a natural substance that can help you regulate blood sugar levels. It also promotes normalization of blood pressure, thereby reducing the side effects of diabetes. It is also said that individuals with diabetes are usually low in magnesium. This is primarily because elevated blood glucose levels increase magnesium loss. Thus, getting the right amount of magnesium in the diet is very important for those individuals with Type 2 Diabetes.

Chromium, a component in coffee, can also reduce blood sugar and has been recognized as a key component in the management and treatment of diabetes.

The Solution

Since caffeine is considered as a component that have harmful effects to individuals with diabetes, and other components of coffee such as polyphenols, chromium and magnesium offers beneficial effects, researchers are now studying the use of decaffeinated coffee and its effects in the management and treatment of diabetes. It is possibly the best option for individuals with Type 2 Diabetes.

Old habits die hard or so as the saying goes. So, for individuals with diabetes who live off of coffee for their entire lives, having the decaffeinated option is great news. However, you should take note that lattes or coffee with syrup whether decaff or not, contains added sugar that may worsen the effects of diabetes. If you are suffering from diabetes, avoiding such would be the best option.

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